
Showing posts from July, 2024

Welcome to my Circus!

    SOOO many big things recently! Farrier was coming at 2:30 (he has been at least 30-45 minutes early every single time in the three years we've been working together) so I brought all 3 of my equines into the arena to play/halter to be ready for him. I still get a little anxious about keeping Cappy under threshold once his truck pulls in the drive & my mini donkey can be, well, quite a donkey about being haltered unless he's in the proper frame of mind. So, of course, my lovelies were all eager to come in and play, and halters were all on in like maybe 5 minutes. Guess who is running an hour behind schedule? Yup. Time to pivot!      Taking advantage of my new arena, we played with the rings (3 hard rubber rings linked together, a dog toy purchased for my horses) and both my Mustangs are now holding them in their mouths for a two count!       With plenty of time still to kill, we moved to the Reverse Round pen (RRP). For those unfamiliar, this is simply a circle created w

Trusting my Training

Ever had one of those experiences that goes so beyond your wildest expectations that you can hardly believe it is happening and you drive home from 'just a trail ride' (HA! it is never 'just' anything) and can't stop grinning and you know people are driving past wondering about the goofy woman hauling her horse and you don't even care? I hope everyone feels like I do right now at least...No, as often as possible in your lives! On Monday, July 1st, 2024 Cinder and I rode our softest ride so far. Almost nine miles in the shaded hills and forests of Waterloo's trails. Since she'd done so well last week with the neck rope, I wanted to give my Two Horse Tack halter/bridle headstall a try. Originally, I'd planned on playing around in my new arena before trying this out on the trails. The best laid plans... Knowing I needed to be driving to meet Rose around 9:15AM, I fed around 7AM. All was well. I packed my waters and lunch, had the trailer ready, grabbed