Welcome to my Circus!

    SOOO many big things recently! Farrier was coming at 2:30 (he has been at least 30-45 minutes early every single time in the three years we've been working together) so I brought all 3 of my equines into the arena to play/halter to be ready for him. I still get a little anxious about keeping Cappy under threshold once his truck pulls in the drive & my mini donkey can be, well, quite a donkey about being haltered unless he's in the proper frame of mind. So, of course, my lovelies were all eager to come in and play, and halters were all on in like maybe 5 minutes. Guess who is running an hour behind schedule? Yup. Time to pivot!

    Taking advantage of my new arena, we played with the rings (3 hard rubber rings linked together, a dog toy purchased for my horses) and both my Mustangs are now holding them in their mouths for a two count! 

    With plenty of time still to kill, we moved to the Reverse Round pen (RRP). For those unfamiliar, this is simply a circle created with a dozen taller blue traffic cones linked together with matching blue plastic chain. Unlike traditional round pen work, where the horse is fenced inside, RRPs have me on the inside and horse(s) free to move around the outside. Cinder and Cappy have worked well with me at both a walk and a trot, able to change direction, halt, and stay active and tuned in for longer durations when asked. Since we were all in the arena, I decided to see what would happen, guiding with the extendable target, and with no trouble, all three of my sweet equines were walking together with me. Unbelievable! Cappy led, Cinder strolled behind him, and Little Red even joined in the fun...though he did cut across the center a few times! He's just the right height to walk beneath the chain, only occasionally taking down a cone. Horses vs. Donkey: Dog attitude vs. Cat. Just. Saying! 

    The heat and humidity were killer, so I decided to move back into the pasture and play with the water obstacle. Copying my brilliant trainer/teacher/friend Kitty Jackson's creation, this is simply a tarp laid over four landscape ties in a rectangular shape. Initially, tarp and ties were tossed into the pasture for perusal. Next, the pieces were arranged, but used dry to allow training comfort without the water. Finally, water was added by dragging the hose over and filling it up. 

    Cinder plopped right into the water and walked through so I set up the Pivo. I figured I'd get the water challenge logged for my online Shawna Karrasch Community Membership...and let the games begin! 

    Little Red blocked the camera, Cappy gave him an assist and muzzled the Pivo, tripod and all, off the stand, and Cinder decided it would be a fun game to pick up the tarp and the landscape ties with her teeth...it was like a circus over here! LOL

    I moved the boys into the center pasture and played with Cinder without their 'help'. In spite of the voracious horseflies and my cat, Josie, Cinder plopped through the water, and we played a bit before I released her to hang with the boys. Still had plenty of time before pedicures, so I added the lead to Cappy and did some Pillar 1 body work and leading, and...EEK! Cappy got softer and softer and softer. 

    I messaged my husband, who came outside to help me so I could wipe down my poor donkey's legs (he will NOT tolerate spray). I handed Chad Cappy's lead and when the farrier arrived, I went into the west pasture to get Cinder again. I left Cappy with Chad and Cappy stayed super relaxed and quiet in a good way. Even my astute farrier commented on the big change when he saw them standing together.       

    Usually, Cappy gets trimmed first, just to be sure he's not amped up waiting. Today, since I had Cinder, and we were right there, the farrier started on her. First foot, BANG! Literally, BANG, BANG, BANG! The neighbor to the west was on his back deck shooting at a groundhog...like 6 times! My equines looked, but that was it! 

    Even as the storm blew in, the cool wind signaling the start of the bad weather supposedly dropping 5-6 inches of rain by Thursday, my horses were great for the farrier.

    These accomplishments might not excite most people, but here I am, all giddy and thankful for my R+ wins! For those who've been following my Mustang adventures, here's a couple of the 'bloopers' and the challenge completion. Feel free to share the love!

Bloopers: Cat Help and Circus time, Challenge Completed!






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