GIDDY! RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED! WHOOOOO!       Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Though possibly not the most professional titling job, it certainly sums up how I am feeling at this moment. Entering my newest rough draft, Nanowrimo 2014 edition, going by They Said She Was Crazy into the Chanticleer Book Review contest on a whim, I truly never expected to hear back that I'd made the cut.

There are just too many, right?

Why would they pick mine, right?

I mean, I know when I finished it I felt that it was the best thing I'd ever written, ever, in my life, but that doesn't mean anyone else might feel it was worthy, right?

When I read the email this afternoon, I wasn't prepared to see my name on the Finalist List. (Yes, I feel the need to capitalize, as I am feeling it is a very proper, important noun at the moment.) I double checked, to be sure it wasn't like one of those clearing house spams...'see your name here' kind of a deal. But, there it was, my name, and the working title of my newest manuscript. Right there. In print.

Shaking, elated, giddy and ridiculously excited I called my hubby. At work. He rarely answers his desk phone, as he is rarely at his desk, much like his teacher wife. He answered. I blathered. He asked questions and I did my best to answer, read the notification without too much quavering, and then..."I am so proud of you. I knew I'd have to share you with the world one day."

Oh, whatever will be will be, but for now, this is just enough.

For now.


The CBR Raw NaNoWriMo 2014 writing competition is to discover originality of story concept and raw story-telling ability from unedited manuscript drafts from those who earned a NaNoWriMo certificate for completing at least 50,000 words in November.

The following manuscripts were found compelling and have advanced forward into the Raw NaNoWriMo 2014 Finalist positions:
  • Kristine E. Brickey for They Said She Was Crazy


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