In order to give readers an idea of what to expect with my newest novel, They Said She Was Crazy, I'll be posting reactions and feedback from some of my readers here. You can also check out reviews on my Amazon, Goodreads, and Facebook pages. Enjoy!

Marcie, WY (reprinted with permission as sent to Trina Campbell)

     I finished that book last night about 11:15. It was so touching. I can so relate in so many ways. I cried through most of it and I laughed and smiled though parts of it and the ending blew me away.
     I would so recommend this book to anyone who has ever lost loved ones. I cannot thank you enough for thinking of me and sending this book to me...
...the book touched me and honestly I don't know how to explain it. Thank you

James Bowens, MI (A nonreader aside from both of my books-his police office son, Matt, was killed in the line of duty over ten years ago)

     I just finished your book. (They Said She Was Crazy) It was awesome. Boy could I relate to a lot of your stories. You had me in tears a lot but good tears. Matt visits me but I never see him but I know he is there. This is a must read for anyone who has lost a loved one to a violent death. So comforting. Going to be a bestseller.

Dawn Nye, MI

     I finished They Said She Was Crazy. WOW! You have saved lives by writing this. I really mean it. What a powerful book. I had tears running down my face the whole time...Did not see the ending coming...Amazing. It took courage to write this. 

***Author's Note:

I cried when I read these. 

All of these heartfelt reviews mean the world to me, as they hit on the precise reason I knew I needed to tell this story. 

Writing this book was the most difficult and yet the most freeing writing I've completed. Once I started, it was difficult for me to keep up with the story of Mara and Zane. Though this is fiction, there is much of my own story in its pages. 

They Said She Was Crazy is, I hope, a story of faith, struggle and hope. My wish is to reach lives touched by despair, loss, and grief and offer empathy, companionship, and a true look at life after loss. Because, as ridiculously difficult as it is, there is life after tragedy. 

Read, and believe. 

Kristine E. Brickey


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