Perfectly Synchronized

"How was the Festival?"

So many have asked since I returned from Lexington. Three full days of horses, liberty, learning, and awestriking performances inside Kentucky Horse Park's Covered Arena. It's impossible to answer, to fully explain what happened in such a small time away from home, surrounded by like minded people where horses and their needs take precedence. 

How was the Festival? 

Quite possibly, life changing. I've committed to showing Cinder at Liberty Fest 2023, not because I like showing, but because the decision will motivate my diligence in our at home Liberty work and baby step progression to my ultimate goal: riding Cinder at Liberty. Each time I ride, I focus on less rein and more inner/leg/body/mind communication and guidance. As we weave our way through autumn trails, colorful leaves cascading upon us, I imagine the rides that require no bridle. A dark blue neck rope hangs inside my trailer, awaiting use, but I imagine it's thick braided presence upon Cinder's withers. I imagine the feel of its softness on my fingers and palm as I gently hold it, all that is needed to help me guide Cinder's feet and mind. 

Three days of watching humans and horses side by side, building connections; of watching hundreds of viewers supporting whoever was in the ring, from novice to professional championship levels. No matter what happened inside the arena, the energy from the stands was helpful, understanding, 'you are not alone down there' in nature. I was mesmerized by the very beginning patterns, men and women with horses led into the arena on line, circling right, circling left, stopping center, backing, and leaving together. Perhaps, I imagined, that is where Cinder and I will begin the accountability portion of our Liberty journey. Perhaps, we will work toward freestyle routines, or even one day a combined event with my little red donkey. Perhaps not, but I feel the sky is the limit.

How was the Festival?

Repeated exposure to great trainers: Dan James of Double Dan Horsemanship, Warwick Schiller who tried to convince us he doesn't do Liberty, Fred Winn whose energy shoots out of his body defying anyone to stop him, and so many others. Each working and/or riding at Liberty with one, two, or many more horses. 

How was the Festival?

I have been inspired to return and get to work, to stop making excuses that keep me from building upon my skills and developing a stronger, truer connection with my horses each day. Since coming home, I have watched and rewatched Luke Gingerich's nearly flawless performances with his stunning Palomino mare. Perfectly synchronized, walking, trotting, and cantering together, repeatedly spanning the entirety of the arena. Their final performance wasn't flashy, nothing was set on fire or exploded; but it was jaw dropping and powerful. 

My four days at the 2022 ILHA Liberty Festival created new friendships and new inspiration. I am already imagining Cinder and I in the arena, though whether on lead line or fully at Liberty, compulsory pattern or freestyle is yet to be determined. The details aren't important at this phase. It isn't about winning or ribbons. It is about the connection, the synchronization, and the bond between horse and human that makes Liberty so magical.


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