Four days of being surrounded by educators who also know the power of words, the exhilaration of getting our students to find their power, and are willing to share great ideas. That's what the Michigan Reading Association's 59th Conference held for me recently. I met the most amazing people and learned so much my brain could barely allow me to function today!

Thanks to Donalyn Miller, who urged me to do more with my Goodreads account, I can now say that I am a Goodreads Author and have the tag on my page to prove it. Even more importantly, I have shared this resource with my 8th graders, who now have even easier to access new and old young adult titles recommended by their own favorites authors. 

I would love to hear back about the site, get new reading ideas, and even perhaps some writing topics you might like to see included in future books from me.

Here's the link:


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