"To be a 'Real' Writer"      by Kristine E. Brickey   March 19, 2015

Someone told me the other day that they wanted to be a real writer one day. "Aren't you a writer now?" I inquired with a smile.

"Well, yes, but I mean a real writer...like you." 

A 'real' writer, like me? What is it that makes someone feel like a 'real' writer rather than just a writer? Is there such a thing as a 'fake' writer, then?

My definition of 'Real' Writers includes:
     a love of writing--the physical act of putting down words and the emotional response words elicit in both the writer and readers, which demands also, that real writers SHARE their writing.

Perhaps it is the willingness to share that closes the gap between merely being a writer and being what people consider a 'Real Writer'.

I used to think real writers could live off their writing, but now I don't think so. I think it is more that Real Writers can't live WITHOUT their writing. 

Real Writers must write. 

Real Writers feel the pull of the words, the stories, the characters, etc. from inside and answer the call to put the words into concrete form.

Real Writers love the power of words; succumb to the vital necessity of putting down those words; and finally, bravely share their words with others.

What do you think? What is your definition of what it means to be a 'Real Writer' in today's world?

I can't wait to hear from you!


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