A Dog Sized Space

This morning, my path was clear when I left the bathroom.
No blocky brown head resting in the doorway, no lumpy beast underfoot and in the way.

Today, I scrubbed the walls of 'happy tail' slashes, knowing I won't need to clean them again.
No more exuberant waggy tail to leave marks, evidence of his ferocious love for us.

Now, the laundry room is roomier, more space for vacuum storage, litter box, and folding of clothes.
His large crate broken down and put away in the garage.

I could be outside 'horsing around', or tackling the list of 'to dos' awaiting to be completed.
I could be working on any number of responsible things.

Today, my path was clear and my walls are clean; but, there is a dog sized emptiness taking up more room than his crate, and I cannot stop crying.


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