Shame & Synchronicity Collided Today (#2: Emotional Series)

A couple weeks ago, I was urged to create a series of 'Emotional' posts after sharing my draft about Grief. Shame was thrown at me, as a topic not as a tool for persuasion. Last week I struggled day after day to write the post. I tried to force my ideas onto the page, yet nothing was clicking, so I finally decided to leave it alone and wait.

Which brings me to this morning. After a convergence of 'wow, last week has been a bag of suck' from fellow artists, friends, and even my husband, I decided that today I would forge ahead, get back on the proverbial horse. Though I hadn't written my Morning Pages in ten days (a daily act according to the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron), I made myself pick up my pen and journal as soon as I rose. Next, the procrastinated Chapter 3: Recovering a Sense of Power. I'd intended to read it last week, but as I've admitted, ended up unmotivated.

It was as if the Universe collided with my doubts and set about, as my dad used to say, 'jerking a knot in my tail.' The first section was about anger, how it fuels change, directs us where we're meant to go, and shows us our boundaries to let us charge into better endeavors. It hit me like a ton of bricks, had me answering out loud, yelling a friend's name and taking screen shots. It woke me out of my complacent mind set of last week.

That would have been enough, but the Universe wasn't done with my wake up call quite yet because the next section was about Synchronicity, what I've been jokingly but not really joking calling Manifestation. Some of my most cherished friends tease that I wear a Manifestation crown, that as I write about something, speak my dreams and ideas, they somehow become real. (That may be a future post all on its own!) This is why I constantly state I do not believe in coincidence.

Hear the Universe laughing? Struggling with your Shame post, Kristine? Worrying about someone and their guilt/shame? BAM! Here's Chapter 3, highlighting a path of power to help steamroll those emotions with positive Anger. Oh, and here's a reminder of Synchronicity/Manifestation/No Such Thing as Coincidence. BAM! 

But the next section...holy moly sweet little baby Jesus in the manger eraser of any doubt I might have been holding onto...the next section was titled, and I kid you not...SHAME. 

SHAME, the very topic I'd been struggling to write about in a way that expressed what I wanted to share, was directly after the topic of the Universe/God/Higher Force handing us opportunities to reach our goals if only we are brave enough to take them when offered.

Point taken. 

Thank you, Universe. 

Consider this the prologue to the Shame post. Part One, if you will. 

While you wait to read the second in my Emotional Blog series which will delve into Shame, pay attention to your dreamings and desires, put them out there, don't be afraid to ask the Universe for what you want, and grab hold with both hands and claim your opportunities! 

There is no shame in taking care of what your heart needs.


  1. Weird thing is: I absolutely believe in this. But I conduct my life as though I don’t. What’s up with that?


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